Draws "knee plot" of PCA proportion of variance explained to determine which principal components (PCs) to include for downstream applications e.g. clustering. Variance explained for each PC is indicated by the line. Cumulative variance explained is indicated by the bars.
- TapestriExperiment
object- alt.exp
to use,NULL
uses top-level/main experiment. Default "alleleFrequency".- n.pcs
Numeric, number of PCs to plot, starting at 1. Default 10.
tap.object <- newTapestriExperimentExample() # example TapestriExperiment object
#> ℹ Moving gRNA probe to `altExp` slot "grnaCounts".
#> ℹ Moving barcode probe to `altExp` slot "barcodeCounts".
#> ℹ Moving chrY probe(s) probe_231, probe_232, probe_233, probe_234, probe_235, probe_236, probe_237, probe_238, probe_239, and probe_240 to `altExp` slot "chrYCounts".
tap.object <- runPCA(tap.object, alt.exp = "alleleFrequency")
PCAKneePlot(tap.object, n.pcs = 5)